Ibukun Olaitan Adeniyi - Online Memorial Website

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Ibukun Adeniyi
Born in Nigeria
21 years
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Tomi Fajolu
Shakespeare described death as the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns.

When I was growing up I had a big uncle who told me that it was only natural that before I became a graduate I would lose dear friends. I thought he was kidding.

He definitely wasn’t and it all started October 2002 when my hommie Aminu Abdullahi died with a head injury in a car accident, I was supposed to be in that car but I was delaying them so they left without me and I missed death by the whiskers, it was painful.

Just 3months ago, precisely Feb23rd I lost yet another close companion, my beloved Seun Kusamotu and it was a sudden death, there was just no reason for her death.

Now I’m in May with my wounds still healing and my heart bleeds yet again.

I’ll never forget the way I met Ibukun Adeniyi, it was at the caroline lesson in Onike Yaba and I was fresh from st saviour’s and just in jss1, I used to feel like some big boy and took all the other students as fucking peeps so I used to stroke them all, then one day a girl called Ibukun Adeniyi yapped and stroked the living day out of me, she said I was a mummy’s boy, she said I should go back to my breast-sucking, she said I still pee on my pants and that I have a fish brain lol! and she continued dealing with me for 2hours and everyone just kept laughing. I went home miserable that day.

You know what they say “if you can’t beat them you join them.” The next day I told her I wanted to be her friend and we became a stroking team in that lesson, she was the President of the team and I was the Vice-President lol!

We were so close in them jss days and I can never forget ruff ryders cuz it was payback time, Ibukun came in a boob tube and I just kept laughing, I think we were in jss2 then and she felt real bad. I kept stroking her at the party telling her she was too skinny and flat lol! and after dancing with her I called her a pathetic dancer.

Its strange how time flies, in no time she was in ss1 and had become a full blown chic with all the right curves and real good looking, and how could I forget those sierra burger days at flavours and those silly advice you used to give me about mama.

I definitely cant forget the parties at 45, we would all just yarn a lot of balls and stroke peeps lol!. We wouldn’t see for months but when we did see it was all good.

Should have seen you at xtreme last easter but was told you came as soon as I left. The last time I saw you was at Big Bang last xmas and all I did was hello and thumbs up cuz I came to that party pissed, I couldn’t even give her the usual teddy bear hug, she knew I was pissed at something and was just understanding.

If only I knew that would be the last time I would see you, would I have done something differently, would I have given you a big hug, would I have taken you out for buffet, would I have popped a bottle of champagne or would I have just spent more time with you…..shiiiiiiit I don’t know mayne.

Sometimes I wonder if I’ll live to have a happy family and if I do have a happy family would I live to watch my children grow.
You see I pray for long life, but I would be lying if I said I’m not ready or prepared to die, we all just have to be prepared cuz it could come knocking anytime, and to all my my homegirls and homeboys live everyday like it’s the last.

A void has been created with the loss of Ibukun, she was one of a kind and would never be forgotten, she was a friendly, social and absolutely magnificent person. We would all remember the times we had with her and I know a lot of people are gonna miss her especially her qc family and kc comrades, and to everyone that has lost someone just keep ya head up and remember the better days knowing that the person is in a better place.

Ibukun is with the lord now and may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen
Toni Idowu

At this hour of grief, though am not beside you, my thots and prayers are always with you and i would never forget the few times we spent together. I dont even know where to start from. i cant forget the first day i met you.it was during our interhouse sport when u, fatima and dem biola, toke, lolade and kaosy were tryin to hook me up wif hassan. u kept on askin me do u like him, do u like him? am we were all laughin. u were the same person that introduced me to your cousin yinka on the phone and we started talking. since then u used to call me "my inlaw" "my inlaw".u made sure i brought ur portion of the vals cake i got from yinka and u said "big one one". Athough there were times u and fatima used to disturb me but still u were always there for me.rem the day ur friend punished me and u came n told ur friend to leave me alone that does she wanna go out wif my lil bro or wat. You r beautiful n fascinating .i'll always luv u.Ur not just a friend, u r more than a friend.

Ayo Oseni
IBUKUN!!!!! i cant stop saying your name my only truly and positevly "high" friend!!!I'm sure I'll find out soon that you were on somthing cos the energy you had was unreal!!!I love you to bits mehn! I can still remember the last time we saw..in  front of the nando's in kilburn-you were your usual crazy self making such a racket!!You goin on bout how you've finally gotten to this jand after all the rejections!!Thats one thing I love about you-nothing was too big an issue to get you down and its this thot of you that keeps me strong. Utibe said it all- you lived with sooo much energy in you that i'm quite sure you used enuff energy to be 1000 or so yrs!LOL!I can see you clearly crackin up and i have a strong feelin They were in serious need of a great laugh!!! I know where you are and I'm glad we saw and glad about the conviction i heard in your voice concerning your relationship with God!! I know your happy and having a ball and for that I'll be happy!!You will always be alive in my heart no matter wot.Your parents need to know they did more than an excellent job-really you need to commend the people who lived with you. u'd be around people and probably in less than 10 minutes some1 is crackin up another is on the floor questionabley-we dnt knw if they r in pain from your overactiveness or their cowering in fear for wots to come cos definately something is coming.I can hear madame umole screaming "IBUKUN IBUKUN- IBUKUN ADENIYI" and we look across class and wot r u doin laughing your head off like theres no tomorrow.I remember those days coming back from chemistry- you had to be on some sort of punishment or the other laughing your head off!!! Not to talk about the days you'd bring Temi to school at back-gate harrassing the poor girl and anyone you could find" have you met my sister i'm finer than her abi"dnt know y u kept asking those questions cos we all knew she was the babe and if unfortunaley some1 lied to you and told you otherwise,you'd run around laughin-as usual saying "temi i told you!!sorry sorry but i'm the finer one" and you'd probably go on harrasing the unfortunate soul asking them to buy you icecream!!!LOL mehn this babe way too "much" memories-they are uncountable.or in ss2 when feyi left and you came to harass me askin y i dnt tell you!!I was so ready for you on that day! after i gave u a teeny weeny bit of my mind- i hadnt even started wot would you say "i like you this ayo jo"!! i was thinking this girl is HIGH!!!but you dnt give me the chance to harass you back..tscheww!!!Wot else mehn those days after exams that we'd spend the whole day gisting in tuck shop-GIST MONGER!!but your gists where always sweet sha!!mrs million and one escapades- i never understood how you got you self into those crazy situations but only you could make them sound so exciting.You not going home waiting for kehinde's driver and grandma to drop you!! You did not do your name any justice jo "Ibukun-Blessing" it should have been more along the lines of "Special Ibukunoluwa ti o wa lati orun ko mu ayo ati party wa" ok maybe not that but you get my flow cos you were more than a blessing!!"Blessing" dont even scratch the surface of wot you are. To your family, Temi,momsie, popsie and your other siblings i have to say there can be only one Ibukun Adeniyi and I thank you from the depths of my heart that you shared her with me and helped her in becoming the gem that she is!!!!
lekan balogun

 Ibukun Adeniyi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u r alive, u did  not go nower...

do u remb. 1 day @ kemi oluwole's hse dat funsho's driver was teaching us how 2 drive....u ARE so funny

remb. all those funsho's lame ass get 2gedas....

i know u remb. wen we got back from Sean Paul's Concert & we had 2 sneak bak into d hse den u started making us laff wen we had 2 be really quiet

Utibe Bassey

‘Small but mighty’ I don’t even know how to begin. This has messed me up so bad its crazy like I remember friggin October 27 1997 my first day in QC I was soo shy and quiet I remember u were sitting next to habiba and I knew her from pry school so the two of u came to my seat I don’t remember what was said but I remember u making me laugh and we were cool instantly like

all the nick names u gave me lol Liberian refugee calabar bulldog the most random things as in .. I remember all those days ..all of us..of just sittin on those two back benches just talking about nothing u LOVED jist

I remember when u lost your Titanic watch in kehindes car that was the funniest thing ever lol and we got to school the ff Monday and u kept talking about how someone stole your watch and u would randomly bring it up

U would take something from someone, laugh and start running as in laughing and running I think u started that I think how far you wud run would like measure how funny the stuff was lol

Goodness exams and tests cooperation as in everyone would be all sleek with it but u would turn around and snatch my paper and throw me the question paper and the teacher would be right there lol I would be shitmypants type scared but you never feared anything

And the teachers as in we were so bad mrs coker madame umole mrs adeyemi what did we not do to them when they shelled I would hear your laugh all the way from my seat and I would start cracking up

I remember when some girl reported and said we were mean to her or something It was me u tolu and I don’t know who and we had to run back to class holding hands singing ‘we are one, we are one, we are one’

I remember coming to your house after church or just seeing u after church ‘fire on the mountain’ u would call it or when u came to my house for some dolphin party and  u told your momsie it was my birthday  ..

So much stuff ibk so much stuff I cud go on for hours, stabbing classes just wandering around, going to outofbounds staff quarters, your going away party that we had for u that Monday only to see u the next day in house assembly there was really never a dull moment with you.


I went home today to like search for my signout book and I found it and I read your page and it broke me. I can not believe this is happening. You have made a greater impact on my life than I even knew. I haven’t seen u in so long but it doesn’t feel like it. Out of sight but Never Ever Ever Out of Mind. In Your 21 years u lived more than most people live in a hundred. I am soo grateful to God that I knew you. I am so thankful that I was blessed with the opportunity to be friends with you. We may not understand all this now but I know we serve a living God who knows above all and the fact that you are with Him is my only comfort and I pray He grants your family peace and strength.  Now that I know how much more fun heaven will be, I’m inspired to live a better life so we can see again and we can catch up where we left off.




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